We were in California last week, where Jaithan's mother Rani celebrated a birthday in the rose garden of their home north of San Diego. She was the mastermind behind the menu of Jaithan's party in July, so I decided to bake her a decadent birthday cake of her own. Her favorite, she said, was either an Italian almond or a…
Happy 2012, everyone! May this year be bigger, better, brighter, and more beautiful than the last!
Pop Pop loved everything about Christmas: Mom Mom's elaborate decorations, my mother Margie's pot roast, and my own bûche de noël or "Christmas Yule Log" I'd make especially for him. Christmas this year was my family's first without our sweet Pop Pop, resting in his favorite chair, his face filled with light when I presented my cake. He would have…
Here's another look at the holiday table, dessert buffet and bar I created for Casa Sugar! The fabric is from Quadrille, the peach lusterware is vintage, and the candy canes are from Gobstoppers. Most of the other items, including the plates, glasses, cake stands, trees, ornament bowls, and votives are all from Cindy Crawford's stylish (and affordable!) collection at JCPenney. Combine…
Today, I'm sending you over to our friends at Casa Sugar and Yum Sugar for a festive, super affordable holiday tablescape I created that's anything but red and green! Some of the vintage items, like the Fire King Peach Lusterware you can easily find on eBay, but most of the pieces, including that dazzling dinnerware are from Cindy Crawford's line at JCPenney.…
Sorry for the silence, everyone! The holidays have such a wonderful way of distracting me. I have about a hundred unread emails at the moment, and all I really want to do is bake, wrap presents and set my table for Christmas! Speaking of, if you're looking for a clever way to add glamour to your table, pick up a…
Remember the ornament wreath I made with a wire coat hanger bent into a circle? Kim from Three Peanuts just made one of the prettiest I've seen, using vintage ornaments she's been collecting ever since I posted the project three years ago! Well-done, Kim! And for those of you planning to try it this year, just remember to glue on the…
Famed decorator Carleton Varney is having another moment, this one bigger, brighter and more beautiful than the last. HIs latest book, Mr. Color, is a vibrant homage to two of his greatest projects, the Greenbrier in West Sulphur Springs, West Virginia and the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island, Michigan. For a year now, we've had the honor of working with Mr.…
We're heading out of town for the weekend but will be back bright and early on Monday. In the meantime, here's a fleet of nautical-inspired accessories I created for Woman's Day that will keep your home looking shipshape. I made the lamp by wrapping bright white nylon around the base, while pillows I trimmed with clothesline from Lowe's. Here's a…
I was puttering in the garden this weekend and fashioned this arrangement of late summer hydrangeas in a Bristol glass vase. Happy Monday, everyone!
Here's our full shopping story from last month's Hamptons magazine! Click to enlarge!
When we weren't digging for treasure, styling photo shoots or playing hat tricks this summer, we were out and about in Sag Harbor with Heidi. Here we are together on the cover of Hamptons. Well—truth be told, we didn't see Heidi out in Sag, but we do share cover space. You just have to look a little harder. Hamptons has always been…
I'm one of the judges for Country Living's first annual Blue Ribbon Blogger Awards! We're looking for the best and brightest in each of ten categories, a blogger with heart and soul (not to mention impeccable taste) whose star has yet to shine! Nominate yourself or your favorite read, and you might just find yourself atop Hearst's glittering headquarters in New…
Apparently, that sun hat I used to soften the back of the chair during the shoot topped the list for summer's must-have accessory. Here's mischievous Miki Duisterhof, the serious talent behind this thoroughly unserious series. While her assistant Tiffany Howe was giving Mia Farrow in The Great Gatsby... ...ours for the day, Miss Barbara Perkins, channelled her Miss Porter's days.…
The good advice to unplug for a while came to us by way of editor in chief Lindsay Bierman in this month's Southern Living. And trust me: that lemon pie on the cover is reason enough to distract you from your duties. I served it for dessert after a casual dinner on our porch last weekend, and it's glorious. So…
There it is again: summer's inexorable pull, luring us to the beach, to the garden, to country tag sales down winding mountain roads with not a laptop or smartphone in site. Forgive us for taking Google chairman Eric Schmidt's advice happily to heart. "Turn off your computer," he said, speaking at the University of Pennsylvania's commencement in May. "You're actually…
If you're thinking of throwing a party of your own this Fourth and need more inspiration, here are some of the pictures from ours that didn't make the magazine, captured by photographer Laura Moss for Woman's Day. The bunting we made from inexpensive fabric, cut into triangles and strung along the fence to greet guests as they entered. Miniature…
We've just returned from a feverish trip to Atlanta, creating a storybook bedroom for Ralph Lauren Home! Look for my take on one of their chic, new bedding collections in the Bloomingdale's catalog this fall. Next up: three shoots this week for my column in Southern Living and one next Wednesday for Woman's Day. Speaking of, did you catch the…
Here's another quick makeover from my story in the Easy Decorating issue of Woman's Day. Take a store-bought mirror like this one from Lowe's in a great, octagonal shape. Now etch your monogram on it, using the same techniques I used here on a drinking glass and here on handblown hurricanes. Repurpose a doorknob and add ribbon for a more…
Here's another small change with big impact from my story in the Easy Decorating issue of Woman's Day. Take a store-bought sconce (ours is from Lowe's), prime it with spray primer, then spray it white. Now pick up a box of Rit Dye, roll up your sleeves and dip them shades in magic. Here's 60s supermodel Susan Blakely, sporting her splash…
Sorry for the silence, everyone! Summer has such a mischievous way of luring me away from my laptop. Well—that and multiple projects that have us running ragged when we'd rather be in the garden. Speaking of, if you're looking to bring the outdoors in, consider this sophisticated, summery print called Portobello from Carleton V. The whimsical birds, butterflies and flowers…
If you're looking for a little inspiration on how to put your own stamp on store-bought furniture and lighting, check out my story in the Easy Decorating issue from Woman's Day this month. For starters, take the Billy bookcase from IKEA. He's a great basic but a little plain Jane if you ask me. To dress him up, find a fabric you…
That old game table in my new column this month wasn't the only treasure I scored in Charlotte. Check out these French porcelain beauties: on the left, a pierced basket to keep the others company on the sideboard in our dining room and on the right, one of eight salad plates in a cheery hue reminiscent of Pantone's color of the…
We're doing a pop-up shop at a gorgeous, new space in Greenwich and you're all invited! Think pink Prosecco cocktails... tasty tea sandwiches... and chic vintage wares. It's everything you'll need to spring into style, plus tips and tricks for easy entertaining all afternoon. To attend, R.S.V.P. to events@eddieross.com. Hope to see you on Tuesday, May 24th, everyone!