After all the wrapping and boxing of breakables, the packing and unpacking of bins (upon bins, upon bins), we're finally settled into this quietly magical spot of country and thrilled beyond measure to be back! Thank you, everyone, for all your warm wishes over the last week. Opportunities abound in this place for creating beautiful things to inspire and delight you, and I hope you'll return often to share in the fun! Speaking of, let's start off with a super fun project Jaithan and I did over the weekend in the little room of the farmhouse just off the kitchen. The shelving is great and the perfect place for a butler's pantry! Back in the city, I'd used an old pharmaceutical cabinet to hold my china, but out here, the ceilings won't allow it. No matter, though, because this little room, with its wall of adjustable metal shelves, will work beautifully!
As you can see, the shelves were of different lengths, so to update them and to give the wall a more built-in look, we headed to Herrington's, a great little hardware store in Millerton. On the way into town, we came across this beautiful, old church, painted a pretty blue with white trim and a gorgeous gray slate roof. Talk about inspiration! What a great color for the butler's pantry! All that silver and china would look so pretty with it, and though we loved the palette of grays in our city apartment, it was time for a change!
At Herrington's, we had five shelves cut to size, then picked the closest paint color to match, Benjamin Moore's Covington Blue. It's a warm, happy shade of blue that I think would feel good in the room all year long. First, I began by edging out all the walls and moulding, taking care not to get any paint on the old wood beams.
Check out the final result! With the new shelves running the full length of the wall, and everything painted the same pretty blue, I think they have that great built-in look but for a fraction of the cost.
And now for the fun part! The propping of all my things from the
flea market—the china, silver, glass and linens I've been collecting
for years, ever since my days as a caterer, combing the cabinets of
other people's butler's pantries, searching for the very same stuff, just
more expensive! Here's the finished pantry, propped and styled.
I love how open and accessible everything is, especially as we start to entertain. And with all those platters and plates, tureens and vases, and even a silver cloche, you can barely see the metal shelving! How great is that, especially if you're renting? Looks built-in, but it's not! And check out these little drawers from The Container Store. I painted them the same color as the shelves, and now they're perfect (and perfectly discreet) for holding small serving utensils, like salt spoons and caviar servers.
These drawers from IKEA I painted as well. They definitely keep our silverware sets neat and tidy. It's a custom look that's easy and inexpensive.
And now that the butler's pantry (or at least the butler's wall) is done, I can't wait to start using everything! There's lots of great stuff in store this week, including a glittery Valentine's card craft that's fast, easy, and beautiful. Thank you again for all your sweet comments about the house, everyone. We're so excited to be back!
Yay! Eddie Ross withdraw is finally over! Love that color blue it really sets off all the white and silver serving pieces you own.
What an auspicious start to decorating your new home! You make it look so easy and beautiful!
Eddie, you and Jaithan are off to a good start. I love your choice of Covington blue, it’s an excellent backdrop colour to the white & silver. I hope those shelves are sturdy! Thanks for the ideas about painting out the little shelves to keep silverware, did you line the drawers with felt? I am looking forward to seeing the drama unfold room by room.
Love the blue. One of my favorite colors- in fact the top I am wearing right now is about that color. Your house seems so lovely. I may just have to buy a house down the road from you.
OMG That is just FABULOUS!!! I love love luvvv the blue painted walls and shelves. Covington blue – I’ll definitely keep that in mind.
Glad to have you back.
Welcome back! Your pantry looks awesome.
So glad you are back…and Congratulations on the new house!!
i’ve missed your daily updates. can’t wait to see you in LA on March 8th.
Wow!!! Eddie and Jaithan,
I can’t wait to see what you will do in decorating the rest of the house. I am thrilled to see that you jumped right in and completed the first project in less than two weeks. Good job!!
Oh! Oh! Oh! How beautiful! I’ve been waiting for you to post, but I never would have imagined how much you’d have done already. I recognized those IKEA boxes the moment I saw them. I too have several, but mine are boring and filled with things like nails and screws and spackle or art supplies for home schooling. I cannot wait to see what else you do with your new home!
how drool worthy! does the butlers’ pantry have doors????
Eddie, I’ve missed your posts so much!
I’m loving the butler’s pantry! The pantry in the new house we’re moving into is almost as large, but has plastic-coated wire shelving. I had already been planning to paint it my favorite blue (more gray than yours), SW Silvermist. I’m definitely off to go find those organizers – they caught my eye immediately – so many uses!
I’m noticing you have plenty of footed dishes and I have none. Might have to pick some up at Scott’s next month!
Absolutely stunning!
Yippee! everything is looking amazing. crap, I think I own those little drawers from The Container Store at my office, and can clearly put them to better use in the kitchen. lol.
great idea!
can’t wait to see what’s next . . .
I’ve got to say, those metal adjustable shelves were tacky and hideous. Honestly, how on earth were you going to do something with those ghastly things? But you’re full of magic aren’t you? You certainly worked it with this fine and wonderful start. Your butler’s pantry is now quite delicious … and all your collections laid out so fine, ooh, I’m drooling. It looks beautiful, Eddie.
Nice to have you back!
Beautiful blue, and so much the better with your white china. Can’t wait to see the rest as it progresses!
Looks like a big Tiffany box. As always, great job!
This last week I have painted my set of IKEA drawers in pale blue exactly the same as you have – what a strange coincidence! – mine are to go in my newly decorated blue bedroom to hold my jewellery and I’m going to stick wallpaper to the front of the drawers
Oh so pretty! Such an exciting new beginning! I cannot wait to see what you do with the rest of the house!
Can’t cope with how fabulous that looks! Me loves, me loves! Looks just like a gorgeous Tiffany box, filled with beautifuly jewels!
Eddie is baaaack. Welcome,missed you two. Pantry looks great. Don’t you just love trying to find places for it all? I noticed your were painting in a short sleeve shirt. Gives the impression with all the snow your heating system is running good.Can’t wait for the next post.
so glad you’re back- i missed you this week–the pantry is amazing- you’ll have to have the previous owners over all you are all moved it…but then again , they might want the house back! Can’t wait to see the rest of the transformation–
I love the color and how wonderful that you finally have the space to store and display all of your treasures! I love Millerton, its a great little “berg” full of great places! Welcome home Eddie and Jaithin!
What a great project. I love the blue that you chose. You really can’t tell that your shelves aren’t built in with all of your gorgeous pieces arranged so beautifully. Can’t wait to see more of your new place!
So happy you are back. First thing I do in the morning is check for an update from Eddie Ross!
I love the butler’s pantry. It looks like a Tiffany jewel box. You really inspire by showing how you can tackle a project in only a weekend. Can’t wait to see what you do with your magical new home.
fantastic fellas…you’re great! mxx
OMG! I love how the white pops against the blue walls now. It’s all so beautiful! I can’t wait to see the rest!
Very impressive! On your first week of moving in, not only have you painted the unit, you have unpacked and displayed all of your prized possessions AND took pictures to show us. I am impressed with both the design and the desire. Thanks again, Eddie. Gorgeous!
Great Job! The first 2 things I noticed were that you could not see the metal brackets and the boxes from ikea and container store. It’s always the simple things, isn’t it.
Wonderful look, Eddie. Thanks for the silverware drawer inspiration!
I enjoyed your “radio appearance”.
It is gorgeous Eddie! What a joy to walk into that room, select your pieces and create another masterpiece. Congratulations on your new home … can’t wait to see the vision unfold!!
Since I just discovered you last week; I could hardly wait to open your site up this a.m.! What a great place to be and to be able to share all this with us is even better! The look you have created is all your own; and the fact that you are sharing it is just beyond any magazine we could look at.
Love the robin’s egg blue. It is the perfect backdrop for your butler’s pantry. Can’t wait to see more.
Best wishes for a long and happy life in your new (old) home! ♥Rosemary
gawwwwwgeous!!!!!!!!!!!! i love it eddie ross. i have a question though…was painting the metal shelving bits out of the question or just a bad idea? i can’t wait to see more. i am new to your blog and i love it. i was a fan of you on top design.
It looks wonderful……it sounds like you are enjoying every minute of your new home.
Your butlers pantry is so georgeous and so do-able! Thanks for the inspiration and I am really looking forward to see what’s next in you new home!
Just gorgeous! Love the blue and white! I am looking forward to seeing what you do with the rest of the house.
Best of luck to you and Jaithan in your new home. I am excited for you and wish you lots of energy and continued enthusiasm in all the projects you have planned there!
I was definitely in withdrawal for your blog, Eddie. Thanks for coming back so fast. Can’t wait to “share” everything you do in Millerton.
Can’t wait to see this in real life! xo Tian
Seriously wonderful, Eddie! I love that the shelves disappear and allow the vintage dishes to take center stage. One of my favorite posts so far!
Eddie, it’s too beautiful for words-but I’ll try. I’ve been waiting to see just what you and Jaithan would tackle first in your new home (and what a home it is!). You certainly didn’t disappoint with your fresh new start and butler’s pantry.
Part of the magic of finding a new home are all the sources of inspiration that arise. You’re so good at taking cues from what surrounds you and undubtedly have many more amazing transformations in store.
The best of luck and take care!
I’m so happy you are back. I love the combination of the wood beams and the fresh blue paint.
Eddie: It turned out just gorgeous! I love that color and way you have everything displayed. I know you guys have been busy as bees but the end result will be so worth it.
Love to you both!
Love it! The color is absolutely perfect for this space. Can’t wait to see more as you go from room-to-room.
Good Morrrrningggg Daaaawling! Hee hee
I love it! It was so nice to talk to you last night on the radio!
The blue looks so fresh, Just walking into that room would make me want to have a party!
Even my Limoge collection would look beautiful against it.
I wonder if you would like some hollyhock seeds? I will email you about it later today, right now I am going shopping for blue paint! LOL… Olivia was a hoot! I cant wait till next sunday!
~Vanessa…. Gardendesigner ( and Family!)
Wow! How absolutely beautiful your butler’s pantry is all dressed in that wonderful robin’s egg blue….one of my favorite colors. Great start Eddie, I love it!
It was so much fun talking with you on Blog Radio last night… I needed one of your “dirty martinis” to calm me down after our chat tho! LOL! Olivia is great too, isn’t she??? xoxo
Amazing. I love the color blue with all of the white and silver pieces you have… I also love that the metal shelf brackets are hidden by all of your things. Love it.
Once again congratulations on your new home. My mouth is hanging open in amazement. This is so beautiful. You inspire me like crazy. Thanks.
Oooooh I love it, and LOVE that you got your inspiration color from a local church! All of your platters and china and silver looks so beautiful! Is it a closet?
So glad to have you and Jaithan back!
The blue is fabulous. I love Swedish and French painted antique furniture and they always have that sweet, faded (or chipped) blue or green. It’s perfect for a farmhouse!
Also, I had an immediate flashback of a photo that I love on 20×200. Check it out!http://www.20×
Best wishes in your new home!
A-MA-ZING Eddie- what a gorgeous way to set off such an jaw dropping collection of items!
Yeah you guys are back!! I LOVE your new butlers pantry, everything looks so beautiful against the pretty blue backdrop. I love how you used the ikea drawers to hold everything, I never would have thought of that- I cant wait to do it in my house!
Reminds me of this beautiful photo.
That is the most fabulous display of china and silverware ever!
I love the painted storage boxes – they look so stylish!
I’m loving the blue walls with the gorgeous wood!!
Congratulations again guys!!
Love it! I was waiting to see what you had up your sleeve for that closet!
Yor new home looks to have such good bones- the only way I can describe it. With this little preview, I can hardly wait to see the next project!
It looks fantastic, Eddie and that is such a lovely shade of blue.
I adore that color! The styling is stunning — its definitely going in my idea book!
Can’t wait to see what all you two do with your new home.
JUST PERFECT! You have a magic touch Eddie 🙂
it looks beautiful!! — so functional & love the blue!!
Lauren Liess
Glad to see you back! The cabinet/closet turned out beautifully. You have so many wonderful things. Looking forward to more.
Oh my…I am practically drooling over all of that deliciousness. You two did a fabulous job!
I absolutely LOVE it. It looks fabulous.
The after photo literally made me gasp. It’s beautiful! The color is sublime and I love how you have the shelves arranged.
I’m going to Ikea today. 🙂
Eddie and Jaithan –
I’ve been reading your blog for weeks. Have looked forward to seeing how the two of you will make that wonderful old house your own. I love what you’ve done in the butler’s pantry. The color is beautiful with all of your things. Is that a fireplace mantel I see a piece of to the right in one of your pics?
Love the pic of the old church too. There is so much inspiration to be found just in that pic alone. Love that slate roof. Can’t to see more of your house!
Pefect color, perfect project and look at the results! You are so right, the metal brackets disappear. I love the long Creative tapers in the urn as well.
I love the blue for your country pantry…and what a sweet old chair next to it! I’m glad you are supporting the local businesses and having such fun. Welcome back!
This is the first time I’ve commented on your blog but have LOVED it from afar for some time. Congrats on the new house, you two will do amazing things to enhance it’s already beautiful style & good bones! Can’t wait to see all your projects and inspirations. Cheers!
WOW!!! What a difference a little paint, your SPECTACULAR mind
and a home filled with LOVE make!! OUTSTANDING!!
-Marquita Stewart
The Original Black Martha
Wishing I was next door to come over and borrow a cup of sugar or something from your closet. Looks divine. Love that color.
Wow, you have to be a great visionary to have seen that project. I don’t think I would have been able to transform that pantry in my mind to what it is now! Great job!! And it looks seamless with the paint on the walls and shelves all matching.
Cannot wait to see what you do with the rest of house!!!
Your blog is so inspiring!
Wow! It’s fabulous. I love the color and that it looks so presentable. I’m inspired to make my own servingware look better. =)
Eddie,I am sitting here with a big grin for two reasons One:how wonderful for you to be painting your very own walls and is that a great butlers pantry or what and it has to make you smile everytime you go into it,a wonderful job of making it beautiful and useable.Two:I have been working on my food/dish/appliance pantry for a week and I painted the inside of it blue.It is about 2 shades lighter than yours but none the less blue.I wonder if we were painting at the same time,kindred spirits as they say.Mine is not as pretty not quite sure how to make cans look pretty,hehe.Love what you did and am truly so happy for you and Jaithan.Looking forward to more of your wonderful new home and your inspirational ideas.Kathysue
Are you kidding me? You did all that already? Oh, the thought of having a butler’s pantry is heavenly — having it look like that would be divine!!!! So jealous! Enjoy your home. Joanne ~~
Wow! I am still looking at the butler’s pantry and just had to write. When I scrolled to the finished blue pantry picture with all of the wonderful stuff, I exclaimed “OMG! That is so gorgeous!” Then, Eddie and Jaithan, I let out another “OMG! How will they ever keep it dusted?” I hate to squelch the joy, but How will you ever keep it dusted????? Love you guys and really missed you terribly, Barb Nieder
What a transformation, just lovely Eddie…glad you’re back. Looking forward to the Valentine craft 🙂
All the best,
Kathy 🙂
I just looked at Heather’s photo and understood just how wonderful and talented you are. That so=called “beautiful” picture was blah compared to my Eddie and Jaithan’s work. You are truly gifted. Please forgive my comment about dusting. Of course dusting will not be a problem because you use, yes, USE your pretty things. You guys are enhancing my life with your genius. I love your work. Barb Nieder
Thank God you are back. The blue in the pantry is Fabulous. I look forward to more of your decorating magic.
Wow, the color is perfect and I LOVE the styling. Question: do you avoid having serving pieces in other colors, or do you just stash them somewhere else?
that is a great blue! looks fab friend!
I LOVE it!!! I have a hutch that I am going to paint black and I think I’m going to paint the inside blue! Love it! So glad you are back — can’t wait to see what else you have in store!
Welcome home! I am looking forward to more images as you settle in. It will be almost like an ongoing housewarming party.
It’s pretty fun to follow your life and creativity, Eddie!
What a great transformation! I love that everything is open … what pretty things to look at when not in use…Just beautiful!!!
It looks awesome! So glad you’re settling in.
So glad you’re back and the house is lovely! Can’t wait to see what you’re going to do with it. And the butler’s pantry looks fantastic!
I have a SMALLER pantry than you but you have inspired me to PAINT it a happy, pretty color! Can’t wait to get started…..if and when we ever get HOME!!!!:) Pinky
Truly scrumptious. Don’t know what else to say.
I was wondering how you would transform that space. Looks great…like it was built specifically for all your treasures.
More please! I have a powder room that needs updating and I’m counting on your inspiration 🙂
Fabulous Pantry, Looks like you have doors! I hope you won’t be closing them!!!
Beautiful Eddie! I am so excited to see all that you do with your new home. I already have my wheels turning…you have inspired me to start on my own project! ~Aline
I love what you did in your pantry. That blue is so warm and inviting. Your serving pieces are to die for. I so wish you could come for a visit to Louisiana and design my new pantry.
It serioulsy looks like something right out of the pages of Martha! You are such an inspiration…I’m stowing this little idea away for a rainy day. Gracias! and welcome to your new home.
love, love, love!! i am super jealous of all of your space and cannot wait to see how everything turns out 🙂
EDDIE!!! I love the moody blueness of it all- the color is fab, the shelves glorious, the ironware- all of it! I love it so much, but I loves you more. Can’t wait for next Sunday. xoxo
Wow you guys work quickly!
Just perfect. The pic of it all finished is stunning.
BTW – have you gone to Sharon CT yet? Beautiful new england town. Take a left at that Blue church and follow that road. My husband’s grandparents lived there.
Gorgeous! I love that color with the silver and white, I’m doing a display of candles and candle sticks for spring along those lines atop my living room mantel. I adore your website and the new house and have been looking forward to seeing your progress. Thanks for being such a diligent blogger!
Ikea and container store should put you on their payroll baby! Amazing job again Sir Eddie!!!! I call that Robin’s Egg Blue and its a beautiful natural color against the old beams. Your antiques are screaming” we’re home” !!!! I love it! Congrats!
Congratulations on your new home!
LOVE what you did with your pantry. Reminds me a bit of the built-ins in my dining room. (You can see bits of them here,
You’ve inspired me to run to Ikea to get boxes for the silverware. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Brilliant!
GORGEOUS!! Good heavens above — you two move in fast! LOL! And the blue is wonderful — and sets off your amazing collection of china and silver so well! Brillant job! 🙂
Jan at Rosemary Cottage
I am so impressed with your ideas – I love checking your blog. I always feel so happy and inspired after I read your posts! Thanks for sharing!
I love how the blue goes so well with the white, silver and crystal! This is such a great idea!!
This looks fantastic!
Hope to scoop up some great China on our Rose Bowl trip in a few weeks!
ok, im jealous, i admit it. that color blue is gorgeous! i honestly stared at all the stuff you have for over 5 minutes!! awesome.
Gorgeous! Wonderful paint color, Eddie… And the striking part of that photo of you painting (to me) is that you look so relaxed… it really IS going to be your NEST, isn’t it?! Amazing how quickly you (and Jaithan, of course) are getting things situated and I am sure all of us who love what you do will continue to be knocked out by what you create. So happy for both of you!!!
Fantastic! The white against the blue is magnificent!
Awww, Eddie & Jaithan! I’m SO excited for you 2. That house is just going to be stunning after you work your magic. I can’t wait to see your furniture in there & what you decide to keep & the style you’re going with. Love, love this new blue butler’s pantry with all your treasures collected. What a fantastic space to have. Perfect for you, Eddie! I’m thrilled for you both. xoxo
Sigh….. Just beautiful.
“We are finally settled” you said. Can
it truely be?
Oh Please, show us the rooms with the boxes so I don’t sit here wondering if you really got it all unpacked already!
Wow you work fast. Good thing too you have lots to do in your new home. Excited to see the magic you make.
Very sophisticated for such a simple makeover. The power of paint – you’ve made a believer out of me. Love that the color inspiration came from your new community.
Welcome to the country!
Love it Love it……I am so excited for you guys, and can’t wait to see what else you do.
Perfection! Simply and utterly gorgeous. I have to say, your blog is (very) quickly becoming one of my all-time favorites! I just love it.
Oh my goodness Eddie. Is there anything you can’t make gorgeous?!?! Sure, you had a lot of lovely things to work with in the propping phase, but I’m just stunned at how beautiful your butler’s pantry is! I cannot wait to see what you do with the rest of your lovely new home.
All the best,
OMG! How amazingly fabulous! Didn’t even notice the metal brackets until you mentioned that they were there…and then I had to look hard for them! Please come do my pantry?! Love it!
Eddie – you two did a beautiful job. I can’t believe you just moved and already you are styling. What an inspirational fellow you are. Enjoy your new space! I can’t wait to see all the brilliant ideas you come up with. P.S. I just started watching Top Design (is this re-runs?) and you are too funny. 🙂
Looks great, you truly inspire and motivate me, thanks for that..did you at all consider painting the metal parts of the shelving? I like that you didn’t paint it!
Wow, that is totally amazing! You have lots of people jealous. I can’t wait to see what you do next!
Thanks Eddie for bringing some sunshine to my day.
It is a welcome relief.
We are in Victoria, Australia in a place called Kinglake West. Our community has just been wiped out by bushfires.
We are some of the lucky few. Myself and our 2 yo son escaped just in time and my husband stayed and (against the odds) successfully defended his life and our home. Neighbours in our street wern’t so lucky. Home after home has been flattened, it is like a ghost town and the death toll is rising daily, worst of all is that it appears that some of these devasting fires have been deliberately lit (BASTARDS!).
I do so love our country life but this is just beyond belief and I don’t know whether our community will recover. This is unfolding to be Australia’s largest natural disaster on record.
Our hearts go out to those much less fortunate than us and we live with a guilt that we survived. I suppose it is a grim reminder that mother nature is much more powerful than we can ever imagine.
Please keep the posts coming, they really are a welcome break.
Thanks, Cindy
Oh my gosh!!! It’s absolutely stunning with all of your “goodies” inside!!! I can’t wait to see each and every project! Inspiration abounds!!! 🙂
Holy crap! I was shocked at how beautiful you made that cupboard! I seriously didn’t expect it to turn out so attractive and perfect.
You’re off to an amazing start!
You’re wonderful, and the shelving with all your lovely pieces is wonderful. I love your talent and your willingness in sharing it with others. We love you in Kentucky!
Love it! It makes me want to rush home and paint something in my house blue. I’m excited to watch the progress of your home as you spin your magic in every room.
I’m so excited your back and with a stunning new pantry. I would still be unpacking! I love the color and it looks wonderful with the silver and white, great choice. I’m looking forward to your future p
It looks stunning. . .great choice!
Love the blue you used and love the thought of living in your area! I can tell it’s beautiful. I hope you both will be very happy in your new home! Thanks for sharing all your great ideas!
Wow, that looks fantastic. You have some wonderful pieces. I can’t wait to see more of the house. I’ll be linking to this.
Looks fantastic! Keep the makeover coming! i am dying to see more progress!
Don’t tell me you’re getting rid of your pharmaceutical cabinet. It was wonderful! Can you use it elsewhere?
Looks great, but of course it does!! Congrats to both of you on the new home and the new road in your life’s journey.
Tip, those ikea drawer units slide a bit better with a little soap rubbed on the bottom of each drawer. Helped mine.
That’s beautiful. White dishes and silver together – my favorite!
Beautiful! And, I’m really happy for the two of you. Congratulations on making a lovely nest in the countryside.
Simply Stunning… of course! I totally wasn’t expecting what I scrolled down to see, and I was delighted indeed!
BTW, we are GIVING AWAY A FREE FRAME on our blog in celebration of our 1 year blogiversary. Come on by if you would like to win a one of a kind frame:)
Eddie, Thank you sooo much for stopping by on my site and posting a comment!!! You are the best! I am happy you liked the post!!
Please keep inspiring us all!!
I wish you the best in your new casa….
Have a fabulous V!
Again thanks you made my week!
Absolutely gorgeous. The color reminds me of jordan almonds and a flannel blanket I had when I was little… cozy!
Hi Eddie! And welcome back.
Wow you must have hit the ground running, the shelves look great, but moving can be both joyous and painfull all at the same time – the beginning of a new life and the end of an old. The church is not only beautiful in color but in architecture as well. A Definite source of inspiration.
My heart goes out to the people of Australia and I pray for them in this time of need.
Keep at it Eddie! The house is looking good! Anxious to see whats coming up!!
Thanks Eddie!
How beautiful. A butler’s pantry that would make you smile every time you viewed it.
After reading Cindy’s comment about her family’s ordeal with the fires in Australia it made me even more thankful for the small tender mercies of being able to share in the wonderful talent of a man and his can of Covington Blue paint. Thank you for another lovely post, Eddie. And my prayers to Cindy and everyone in Australia.
Just love it! You are going to love living in the country! When we first moved to the country, I was scared of how quiet it was and all the strange noises. The noise a dove makes scared me so! lol The frogs, the birds, the coyotes. Then there is raccoons, possiums, beaver, mink, then the lovely sounds of cows, sheep, goats, horses. Then there are tractors, and 4 wheelers, chain saws. I just love to watch the animals, I have a new baby goat, and so fun to watch it jump up and down on the gaurd dog.The chickens wake us up at 4-5 am every morn. Love your new home. Have fun, but watch out on the ladders. lol
Eddie, I was listening you radio interview yesterday and I’m 100% with you on “having no time” question. You have to WANT to do or make things!
your pantry is stunning in its simplicity! cannot wait to see more of your projects!
Irina from Hong Kong
All I can say is WOW! I want a pantry too! I may have to get one made! I’m using a chinese cabinet today, and the pantry solution looks SO much better! I can’t wait for the flea market season to start to go treasure hunting. And that church was just amazing 🙂 Truly beautiful.
Are you kidding?!
This is so gorge. I can just imagine the satisfaction you felt putting all your glass and china when doneg. Great color, such fun!
So happy for you. 😀
I love it! It’s giving me inspiration. But first, I have to finish my basement corner where I am painting the walls and storage cabinet a beautiful shade of yellow (MS’s old Sherwin William’s color of “nutmeat”. Can’t wait to see what you do with the rest of the house! Congratulations!!!
Brilliant! I just can’t get over how simple, yet how beautiful it looks. Can’t wait to see how the rest of the house will progress.
Thankyou for the photos — Any chance you’ll add cabinet doors with glass? Or is it open shelving? The display is so pretty. I know we’ll all enjoy seeing the progress of your projects in this home 🙂
Eddie you did what I love. You kept the rustic charm, and made it more beautiful. I live in a house that is over 60 years old, the stuff that is old and charming I refuse to change! The stuff that needs updating I will but only to fit into what the house really is, an charming cottage not a modern loft.
I have been toying with robin’s egg blue for something, I just love the color!
Stunning…absolutely stunning. I can’t wait to see other projects from the house.
I’ll be checking in tomorrow for the Valentine’s project. I can’t wait to see that because I love glitter!!!!
Thanks for sharing the wonderful photos and happy renovating.
I just said “OH, MY!” aloud at work. I think I sounded like my mother. 🙂
This is stellar, and I can’t believe you already knocked this project off the list. But I have to say, moving in to a new place gives you (or at least it gave me) energy you never knew you had. ‘Cause it’s so fun!! I just can’t stop looking at everything on your shelves…
I have an odd built-in corner “cabinet” (hand-made by the previous owners) that I *think* I may be able to install shelves like this in, painted to match the room and all. I think I need to send you a picture to get your blessing. 🙂
I am salivating! I want it…I have to have it…someday! It is phenomenally gorgeous! The blue is PERFECT! I have nothing more to say. I’m speechless.
I absolutely love your attention to detail i.e. painting the drawers from the Container Store in blue. Your collection of plates and silverware is so elegant and beautiful.
I love it!! Beautiful contrast with the blue, white, silver. CAN’T WAIT to see more!
that blue screamed TIFFANYS to me. Love it. Have you bought a corgi yet?
Ghasp…so loud in my office just now. This is gorgeous! I would hang out in the butler’s pantry when I needed to escape! It reminds me of one my Aunt had when she lived in CT. Love it, love it, love it.
Katie (The Maltese Kat)
That blue is just yummy! I would love to have a extra place in my home to do just that. Maybe one day,smile. Im loving you house already~
Oh my! This is gorgeous. You are right, I do not even notice the metal brackets when all your beautiful things are in place. Glad to see you back!
Love, Love, Love. you’ve made it look very eddie ross.
You’re off and running, and what a great start! I’m going back to stare at the beautiful contents of your butler’s pantry – and what a beautiful shade of blue! Wowsas.
xo Isa
you guys work so fast! it looks beautiful-good color choice!
OH I LOVE IT!!! But I’m partial to blue, white and silver anyway!!!! I would love to have that much storage room!!
I have those same ikea drawers and I use them in my studio – they are great for holding many different sized objects. I love the way your pantry turned out – so fresh and clean!
scorching with envy at this great pantry! Oh! To have that much space for one. Seriously, Eddie, Jaithan, I’m so happy you have found your dream home! It’s just wonderful. Have you gotten use to having no one under or over you? Pure luxury.
I have been waiting for these before & after posts. This one did not disappoint! I love what you’ve done here. The natural wood of the beams makes such a stunning effect on the blue and white. Also, your many many finds look so beautiful displayed this way. How great is it to have it all so accessible!? Lovely.
Looks fab! Pretty fast, easy and cheap fix. Can’t wait to see more of the farmhouse
Damn, you accomplish a lot. 🙂
Just beautiful. Love!! the idea of painting the boxes to match. You are so clever.
looooove it! Cannot wait to see what you do with the rest of the house!
Eddie it’s breathtaking. It was fun seeing all your beautiful dishes. You did a fantastic job.
Your butler’s pantry looks absolutely amazing! You did such a wonderful job and I love how everything is displayed. Congratulations on your new home, I can’t wait to see all of the amazing things you do to it!
So ironic, I JUST painted my kitchen Covington Blue. I matched it up to Kravet fabric’s Ernest 318 for window valances, and then I’m going to accessorize with red. It’s an unusual color for the kitchen but I needed a pop of color. So excited that you used it too.
LOVE! Can’t wait to see the rest. Such a cool place you have now.
Beautiful! Wow, you don’t waste any time getting things done, do you? Can you do my house next??? 🙂
Fantastic idea Eddie. Paint is a wonderful thing!
You are a display master. I love how all of your white pieces pop against that beautiful blue. I’m off to look at the container store for my own little drawers!
The pantry is beautiful with all of your things! I can hardly wait to see how the rest of the house turns out. So fun to be a fly on your wall.:)
Welcome to the country! I hope you enjoy it. We live in very rural (farther) upstate NY, and it is lovely and peaceful and challenging all at once.
Your first project in the new house is a definite SUCCESS – I love the blue, it is classic and contemporary at the same time.
You have to come shopping in Hudson sometime – its what everyone with a country place does, don’t you know.
I’m breaking one of the commandments as I’m coveting your Covington Blue pantry. Oh, and everything that’s in it! Can’t wait to see the rest of your charming country abode.
E&J — I’ve been away and just read the blogs on your big move. Congrats! I have a place up in S Woodstock, VT near the Green Mountain Horse Association that I love love love to go and just watch the snow fall. Love the pantry, has inspired me to do something with newly installed (and as of yet unpainted) shelves in my ongoing kitchen remodel. Thanks, as always, for the inspiration and best of luck in your wonderful new surroundings!
It´s amazing!. really nice and very practic. Lots of kisses from Madrid (Spain)
oh my gosh. i love that you collect this antique dinerware. inspiration!
Incredible! Now, I want to paint some closets and take off the doors!
The IKEA pieces are also great for storing spices. I recently purchased the ones that have the long low drawer on top with the two CD drawers on the bottom. The tall bottles fit nicely in the CD drawers and small bottles and bags of spices fit in the long low drawer. In case you need another storage idea. 🙂
Oh. Gosh. Love that blue. Such an easy upgrade if you have the vision. And you do.
those little drawers are amazing!!!
also love the blue. 🙂
Oh my, oh sigh. Your little covet-ing blue, I mean Covington Blue pantry is one of my favorite things ever.
Seems very cluttered and staged.
I love this….I have this color in my bedroom. I plan on redoing my baby daughter’s jungle nursery after she turns 1 and this is the color im using. Its beautiful.