Have you seen the new issue of Country Living? The living room makeover featured on the cover is actually a project of mine!
Last summer, when I agreed to help our good friends Jackie and Chris turn their 1960s ranch into a cute, cozy Hamptons beach house, we definitely had our work cut out for us. Or at least we thought we did. You would too if you opened the door and stepped into this.
More Brady Bunch than beach house, no? But as it turns out, all this room needed was a a good coat of paint, simple upgrades, and smart shopping. After all, just because you're decorating a room on a budget doesn't mean it can't be beautiful. Check it out! (Click twice to enlarge.)
And can you believe the price tag on that fantastic vintage bird toile sofa and chair? $225 from a thrift store, right here in town! The pieces were in great condition, just a bit dusty. All it took was a good steam cleaning, and they came right back to life.
Getting back to the Before, more dated than anything in that room had to have been the window above the sofa. Nothing screams Marcia, Marcia, Marcia more than a triangular window on a ranch!
Sheetrock on the inside; cedar planks on the exterior, and presto chango! An inexpensive, totally transformative new look. Thank you, by the way, to Sarah Gray Miller and her talented team of editors for including me in the issue!
So often, I come across budget makeovers that end up looking…well…budget. My advice? Three things: (1) Paint is your best friend. And if you screw up, who cares? Paint it again. It's still the biggest bang for your buck. (2) Shop smart. IKEA, Target, and Homegoods are all great resources. Then add character with one-of-a-kind finds from tag sales, thrift stores, and flea markets. (3) Finally, have fun! Decorating on a budget definitely takes more thought, but in the end, it's so much for rewarding when you know it's money well spent. Good luck with your makeovers, everyone! And don't forget to send me pics! I'd love to see what you're up to.
I should have had you do this at my house! It looks terrific.
Eddie, really great looking. Thanks for another terrific blog.
Great makeover Eddie! I love that sofa- awesome find!
I couldn’t agree more with your budget decorating tips!! And I LOVE that room… the blue and white upholstery, the bookcase makeover and the window?? completely genius!!
Love this makeover! Just wrote about it, fabulous ideas!
I saw this and snatched it off the stand right away. It was a fabulous makeover. You really worked wonders!!! Your detail to beauty while minding the pocketbook is truly a talent few designers can pull off.
Super fresh! Love the “happily ever after!”
I LOVE your advice tips. They are so true! I love paint and all the stores you mentioned and of course having fun is the most important thing.
I am in the process of re-doing my studio and I am having a blast!
Stop by my Blog if you get a chance and you can see all of my other before and afters!
Take care,
Great makeover! The color palette is just beautiful 🙂
WOW!! Amazing as always!
Dang, you’re good, I love it!! I am rushing right out to buy Country Living. You guys need to get down here to N.C. and work some of your magic!!
Looks great. Its amazing what you can find at thrift stores and flea markets – that sofa is beautiful!
Just saw this over at TTI. Well done. I cannot believe those three pieces were $225 dollars, you know where they hide all the good gently used furniture in the US, that is for certain! Be well, Eddie!
What an amazing transformation! The new color palette is divine. I would love to hear more about how you steam-cleaned that sofa. It looks great now but is it hard to do?
Talk about a refreshing change. What a difference! Your solution for altering the window shape was brilliant, and I’m just DYING over your thrift store sofa!!! To find something vintage that is right in every way and is still in such good shape – in a thrift store? Ah, nothing feels better than that. (p.s. luv the “Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!” reference – yes, I was there).
When I saw this I was in love- the before and after is just amazing! I still cant believe you found a couch like that for only $225- just lovely!!
great makeover!! love the couches! don’t great finds like that just make you giddy?
Beautiful job Eddie…just beautiful. I actually love a great rancher… especially if they have been untouched by contractors!! They remind me of the Brady Bunch days…LOL…oh, those were the days!
thanks for the inspiration.
Wonderful, as always 🙂
Fabulous after! I love the pops of pink! And the styling of the built-ins is perfection – I wish I could get mine to look that good!
Thanks for sharing!!!
I saw this in my mag this month and was happy for you…good job and thanks for sharing so openly all your talents.
I love country living and am happy they have featured your gorgeous work! I decided to give you guys a little blog award – I know you are not the type of blog that will hand it on, it is a “chain” type thing, but I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate your lovely blog!
You’re such a beautiful cover girl.
Seriously, you guys are the masters of every domain, and offer great ideas and useful advice.
Love you both madly!
xo xo
I love it! You’re a Design WunderKind!
And since you asked, here’s my post of how I used paint to completely change a look -I painted my pine armoire and am so pleased with the results-I’d be honored if you’d stop by!
Thanks for the inspiration!
What great inspiration… I’m redoing our 1960’s ranch in Kansas City. It is a work in progress… I’d love your input! Paint has definitely been my best friend…greys, white, oatmeal and blues. You can see some of the photos of our kitchen on my blog : http://jennysteffens.blogspot.com/2009/07/home-diy-kitchen-update.html
The living room and exterior is next… here are my inspiration photos: http://jennysteffens.blogspot.com/2009/07/home-inspiration.html Any suggestions?!
Jenny Steffens
This has to be one of my favorite room makeovers. Ever.
Wow – Eddie this looks so cozy, and welcoming! Really looking forward to seeing it in person!
– Kate @ Gourmet
Love the room. I now must go pick up the magazine. Great work.
That sofa makes me cry (in a good way). Fabulous work, as usual! come to my place for a similar redo anytime…
I loved this…you did such a great job!
You are so talented and this is amazing exposure!
Ah! Cannot WAIT to get the magazine. Love the transformation, as I do all of your work.
The white paint is literally a breath of fresh air, and you anchor it naturally. This is not a blue-and-white by formula.
By the way, gratitude is unceasing for your Twitter luncheons, fabulous blog posts.
Eddie- You are fabulous! I love everything you did with this home. The colors are fantastic. I told you, you should have been one of the judges on Design Star.
It has the WOW factor……
OMG…the Bradys moved out ! It looks fabulous…as usual….GREAT JOB.
My Farmhouse Kitchen
I have nothing to say…but…
B E A U T I F U L! 🙂
I had read and talked about that makeover with my Mom when she got her new Country Living issue earlier this month. We both agreed that the redo price was reasonable considering the hideous yellow in the before. I just did not realize it was yours Eddie! How funny.
Nicely done! I recently posted about the difference a paint job makes…this one in white,too!
Genius makeover on a budget, especially the pillows, I just cannot swallow spending $300 + on pillows no matter how beautiful.
This is fantastic, I love this makeover so much. Also i love the blog it’s one of the best i’ve ever read.
how do i add to these comments? you are truly a genius in everything you do! what a nightmare shot of the triangular window, i thought what on earth can he do with that? but then to scroll down, WOW!
love you both, continued success!
I love the new fresh colour scheme. I could definitely relax in a room like that.
Beautiful. We just moved from Atlanta to Bowling Green, KY. I wished you could come decorate for me! Simply love this make over.
Great post, you do fantastic work and thank you for living out loud!
Paulette P.
So amazing! I am off to get the magazine to learn all about it! thanks for the great posts!
Eddie, Eddie, Eddie… Great transformation!
Couch looks familiar — the porch?
Eddie, Eddie, Eddie… Great transformation!
Couch looks familiar — the porch?
Has always the room is stunning! I cannot wait to see what treasures are new in your ETSY store tomorrow…
I have a question for you and any of your blog readers…
I’m hunting for a vintage garden architectural print, it can be an original or a repeat, and it can be of any garden. I’m sure there is a great website to find these or someone on Etsy that makes them but I’m afraid I can’t hunt them down… it’s for a hostess present… any help would be much appreciated… you can email me or drop by my blog and leave the comment there…
I liked the yellow, but the white updo really looks a lot fresher
Just returned from Paris and checked out the post. Thank you for your all your great ideas and inspiration. When are you guys coming back out? We’ve got to make sure that you enjoy the fruits of your labor! Cheers, CK.
Oh Eddie – this was my favorite story in the magazine for years and years – I adored everything you did here. the window, the sofas – it is so beautiful! love love love it!
What a beautiful makeover! And who is that gorgeous dog in the photo spread??? He is darling!!! Is that a Lakeland Terrier? When is your book coming out? Or your tv show? It’s about time already! xx
gorgeous… what a fabulous sofa and chair find, who would have ever thought it came from a thrift store!
Me again! Loved your make over so much I got the magazine yesterday and posted on it today!! I hope this is a preview of your new show!!
it looks amazing – really! your deal-finding skills are inspiring!
Marcia would be proud of this makeover! The bookcase makeover is my favorite..You are so right about paint being your best friend..I can definitely vouch for that..since I always have to design on a budget for myself…but I do get to live vicariously through my clients.
Hi, Eddie! Congrats on your CL feature, that is one beautiful room now. You have been one busy guy, hope your summer has been fun. I love this transformation & I just may have to go buy this magazine now. Love it!
And Jaithan, can I ask a favor please?! My blog addy has changed, I’m now at my own self-hosted site, so if you could please update my link on your blogroll, I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks a bunch!
Wow. The transformation is just stunning!
what a steal on that couch!!! eek!
Eddie – I love the makeover and REALLY love your ability to combine thrift store treasures with high-end style. Thanks, as always, for the inspiration!
I love it. You never cease to amaze me.
LOVE IT! That toile is to die for!
I have been enjoying this issue of CL for the past week or so, and didn’t even realize that the cover was YOU! How exciting and what a fantastic make-over! Your clever eye and your artistic spirit make you such a unique and wonderful individual. Both you and Jaithan amaze me with your talents.
Job extremely well done…you rock!
Bravo Eddie! A brilliant transformation!! Hope you Jaithan are well.
what a lovely peek behind the curtain! I loved this story when it appeared in country living but it was great fun to learn all the other details that went into it but didn’t make it to the stand. thanks!
You did an awesome job on that living room, Marcia…see ya!…lol Phenomenal as usual! I don’t understand why you don’t have a tv show yet…what up!
I ,so, agree with the paint thing. It makes a world of difference and with every coat it gets easier…
I recently did a makeover on a budget in my living room…You can see it here.
love the combo of the bright pink and delft blues and whites- fab job!!!
Great job! I love it. My husband and I are in Tahoe right now and I just saw the identical toile sofa in Dave’s Used Furniture, impossible to miss on Highway 50 next to the discount market..$125. Perfect condition. The only piece in the whole place I wanted to buy, but it won’t quite fit in the back of the Audi TT!
Bye Bye Bradys! Welcome to Eddie’s World! So Hamptons–love it! ~Tracy
Decorating your home can be a very fulfilling experience. When you think about decorating your home as far as the furniture is concerned, most of us begin with thinking about the living and entertainment areas of the house and how we imagine we want them to look.