Have you noticed how fresh the new Woman's Day looks?
In the short few months she's been at the helm, editor in chief Elizabeth Mayhew has been making smart changes to update the look and feel of the magazine, while still respecting its venerable history at the go-to guide for women's nutrition, fitness, beauty and fashion since the 30s. Elizabeth I met years ago during my first interview at House Beautiful. Since then, she's gone on to serve as style director of Real Simple, make guest appearances on the Today Show and even write a book! Her philosophy on decorating and entertaining is refreshingly down to earth, and I echo it here, in these pages. Simply put: You don't have to spend a lot of money to live a beautiful life.
Take, for example, this story I shot for the August issue, a kitchen redo by San Diego-based designer Amy Meier. If you want to talk about clever, up and coming designers to watch working with real-life budgets, bookmark her.
Amy we met at a party in L.A. for WestWeek back in March. I was obsessed with liked her shoes, so I complemented her on them and we began to talk. Who knew someone so fun and engaging could also be so talented? Check out the makeover she did for a newlywed couple's kitchen without breaking the bank. Click twice to enlarge.
Faux painting can go really bad, but in Amy's case, it was just the right solution for updating the cabinets without having to replace them altogether. If you ask me, the faux striae she achieved is pure genius. Read on for more money-saving tips…
And finally, the elements: a subtle, sophisticated mix of finishes, furniture and flooring.
Huge thanks to designer Amy Meier, her clients and photographer Coral Von Zumwalt for making the shoot such a success! Now, for a sneak peak of everything that went on behind the scenes, check out Amy's post!
woman’s day!? who knew!?
i do love her bar area. it’s quite beautiful. i’d like something similar in my dining room.. maybe that could work?
I’ve never thought twice about picking up a Woman’s day but will have to give it a look see now.
I love this kitchen, Eddie! I’ve tried painting a faux wood before on a metal door & it turned out pretty neat. I love how these cabinets turned out. Definitely something to think about for a renovation project. Congrats on the article & thanks for sharing!
wonderful paint job on those cabinets. at first glance, I was sure they were replaced…
While waiting in the grocery checkout line yesterday I picked up an issue of the Woman’s Day Decorating magazine. It is very, very good! Now you’ve helped me understand why. I wanted to turn to the other grocery customers and exclaim, “Look at this! This is Woman’s Day! The photos are great!” I restrained myself though.
The colors on the cover of the new August issue made it jump right into my grocery cart no questions asked! Great work on your photo shoot! My favorite bit is the eye chart sitting on the bar – made me laugh.
fantastic article! my boyfriend and i are looking at new places and we’re definitely on a limited budget. this is wonderful inspiration!
oh my my my! fabulous all around. I love the kitchen pics, and have just added Amy to my blog roll! Thanks for sharing!
I have always loved “Woman’s Day”- full of common cents and attainable ideas for every woman.
Great stuff Eddie!
As someone who is going through the exact kind of cost conscious renovation to our open concept kitchen/living room…I so appreciated this post Eddie…Thanks so much for the renewed inspiration.
Isn’t it great to see a makeover and the transitions! Your shoot looks really wonderful.
Thanks again to you and Jaithan for you well wishes and friendship!
Art by Karena
Awww, thanks Eddie! It was an absolute dream!!!
Amy Meier
P.S. So many people have asked me if we are brother and sister!
GORGEOUS kitchen! Woman’s Day is one of the mags that you can pick up and KNOW you are going to be able to read it cover to cover and get something out of it…a craft idea, a centerpiece, a recipe or a great decor inspiration or update!
I am so glad you posted this…I thought I was turning into my grandmother thinking that I should buy the Women’s Day at the store the other day! The cover looks great..
You know, I had indeed noticed Woman’s Day was looking smarter and more fresh!
Was wondering what was going on with the covers of Women’s Day…now I know! Your friend Amy is quite talented, I really appreciate that she (and you) shows people that they don’t have to spend armloads of money to have a charming and beautiful HOME! It is what I have been trying to show through my own home…
Thanks again for stopping by my blog.
I never would have picked up Woman’s Day before this post. I always thought it was for old women but it looks great!
what a good looking couple!
Beautiful job and fun to read too! Love the limestone-topped table in the cocktail area. Know where it can be purchased? Thanks!
Woman’s Day is indeed more current and fresh looking than it has seemed for quite some time. I,too, didn’t know why but this explains it. Change in leadership and direction= fresh and innovative.
Carol in GA
Woman’s Day has been catching my eye lately and now I know why! Amy’s work is great – glad to know about her…thanks!
She is amazing. I love everything that she does. Way to represent San Deigo Amy!!!! Y’all make a perfect team!
I have noticed and I love it! She has elevated the look and feel of the magazine beautifully!
Love it! Very nice job!
Hello Jaithan & Eddie,
Have you guys noticed that you are helping change the current model for flower arranging? (Personally, I think you are the most responsible.) Your multi-colored, natural, full-blown blooms are on the covers of magazines everywhere–even on the sets of night time tv. Way to go!!!
I will have to give Woman’s Day another look as well. Love the bar and kitchen here. Real talent!
I’m going to have to check it out. I heard Elizabeth speak at the Corcoran Gallery in DC several years ago while she was at Real Simple, and have always remembered her great tips.
First thing tomorrow….I am grabbing a cup of coffee and finding myself a copy of Women’s Day. I, a self confessed magazine obsessor have never looked at the mag. But, you’re in it and I adore Elizabeth Mayhew (we share the same initials)…. and had no idea that she was the new Editor-in-Chief. And, Amy….well, she’s adorable and talented, too.
You just keep “bringing it”!
xoxo elizabeth
That does look so much nicer.. that spread looks so stylish and updated..
I will have to check out the new issue 🙂
Thanks Eddie
Gorgeous! I guess sometimes you really can tell a lot about a person based on their shoes! 🙂
The look certainly is fresh and modern! Beautiful kitchen redo. I am loving that table.
No, I haven’t checked them out in forever. Shame on me! This is amazing and I can’t wait to check her out. Oh, the x-back bentwoods are a dream, aren’t they? Julie
Wow, what a fun transformation on a budget! I never would have guessed those cabinets were faux painted, amazing artist who did those!
Beautiful! The best part? The real life budget. Don’t get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoy looking at a rug that costs more than I make in one year, but the truth is, there just aren’t very many of us that can throw that kind of coin around. Me being one of them. I whole heartedly believe that beauty does exist in the bargain isle. The proof is in your post. Love you guys!
What a great kitchen update. Simple yet very elegant. And very timely for us right now.
Looking forward to your future contributions to Woman’s Day.
xo, Jen
What a coincidence; aren’t you working for Woman’s Day? I’m so glad you you’re not a sell out.
Strie Glazes can take a flat, ho-hum space into the architectural realm. It creates depth and subtle pattern. My den had boring 1970’s paneling and was transformed by a tan and brown strie glaze. No more 70’s!
would have never thought to pick woman’s day up, but that adorable bar area might have me singing a different tune!
E&J ~ Love this post, as
it spotlights a magazine
that I think is truly
under appreciated. I grew
up with WD and am so happy
to see it getting a breath
of fresh air. In these
economic times, this is the
type of down-to-earth
publication with real world
solutions (and a great
newstand price) that will
rise to the occasion!
xx Suzanne
My Woman’s Day subscription expired…b/c of this post I may have to renew!
I am wondering if you know what kind of brackets are being used for the bar area shelves? Great post and great ideas!
Picked up the new issue, loved it, subscribed!
Oh wow! I didn’t realize their was a new editor-in-chief at Woman’s Day. I never really read it before, but now I’m going to have to take a look. It looks fantastic!
ok, I subscribed. But what is with the wash your vagina ad? google it!
Very very fabulous post! I have noticed the difference in Woman’s Day. My mother subscribes but I find myself picking up her issue before she has a chance to read it herself.
Love reading about Amy, I’ve just moved to San Diego myself almost a year ago and I need all the decor advice I can read up on!