Anyone lucky enough to have gazed this adoringly into Joan Crawford's eyes leaves me green with envy.
Or should I say pink?
I'm talking about Carleton Varney, author, jet-set designer and onetime protégé of the late, great Dorothy Draper. Here he is in 1962 with his first collection of fabrics in splashy colors and big, bold patterns.
Now, with 15 showrooms in this country and London, Carleton V Ltd. produces some of the prettiest textiles in the business. Their wovens are especially good, like this modern herringbone, Alexandria in Guava. Juicy, isn't it?
One part Boho, two parts Domino. Now imagine a jewel-box window on 3rd Avenue swathed in it. That's the vision I had when Carleton's son Sebastian called just before Labor Day, charging us with the task of reinventing the company's image at the D & D Building in New York, where all the designers shop for fabric. "I want people to stop and look," he said, leaning in, eyes wide. "Just like they did at Bloomingdale's." He was talking, of course, about the Big Window Challenge we won for ELLE DECOR back in January, thanks to all of you! But unlike Bloomies, this window is barely 90 inches wide, 34 deep.
No room for a sofa with flanking end tables. No elaborate dining scenarios with china for days. LIke any good window, though, the product would have to shine, and in this case, it was that splashy herringbone, together with all the coordinating solids and a single painterly floral that pulled it all together.
Good windows tell good stories. They stop people in their tracks, drawing them into a world that inspires and delights. I wanted for there to be this kind of fantasy in ours as well, together with doable ideas for how other designers might use these fabrics in their own work. To start, bold patterns like this herringbone can enliven and enlarge even the smallest space, so why not cover the walls of a den, front hall or foyer?
You could splurge and upholster the walls with batting or simply back it and apply it like wallpaper. For the window, a temporary installation of two months, I used a staple gun, pulling the fabric taught to match the pattern on either side.
Fabric up, sisal down. The pattern is so bold, you can't help but stop and look!
It was nearly midnight now. Trim out the walls, and we'd be done for the day. To pick up the black in some of the furniture we planned to use, I finished the walls with grosgrain ribbon, just as you'd do in any upholstered room.
But as pretty as the window looked with just a single pattern on the walls, there would need to be more, many more, layering one upon the other, all within the framework of a narrative. So after mulling it over in the days after our meeting, sketching and pinning up fabrics at home, I couldn't help but revel in the process I myself was experiencing. And there it was! A work space for a designer, a busy one, with well-heeled clients in far and distant places. Fantasy? Perhaps, but I prefer to think of it as a healthy optimism. So with day two upon us, we headed back up to the showroom, where my concept for the space was slowly beginning to take form.
Three projects lay ahead, all of them easy and inexpensive that just about anyone can do. The first was a skirted table I made using painted plywood and metal tubing from Lowe's. Don't ask me how, but in one of those rare and beautiful moments, scouring the aisles in a nine o'clock panic, both just happened to be the precise dimensions I needed! Using one of my favorite linens from Carleton V, Siena in Coral, I stapled the fabric to the table, trimmed the edges, then hot-glued grosgrain ribbon to hide the seams. Plus, if this were real life, you'd gain more storage than you might know how to handle!
This Chippendale style chair we found at a country antiques store upstate. I liked its lines, and I knew I could easily recover the seat myself. The wood, however, was badly damaged, so with a quick coat of spray paint, I turned it a chic, glossy black.
The floral on the chair, Meadow in Anemone, I also used in a picture frame pillow our good friends Donna and David Feldman at Chelsea Workroom made, along with three others in coordinating solids. If you're in or around New York and need top-quality upholstery or soft goods, they're the best in the business.
For the third and final project, I covered a cork board in silk, Wales in Cranberry, then trimmed the edges in grosgrain ribbon. It's a fast, easy way of customizing any pin-up board to suit your space.
After all the projects, placement and propping, it's the end of day two and the window's nearly done!
LIke everything we do, I wanted this project to have a rich sense of history with beautiful, one-of-a-kind pieces, as though collected over time. And for those, I turned, as I often do, to our good friends David Duncan and Deborah Buck, both skilled antique dealers whose talents are only matched by their generosity. From Deborah came an opaline box on the desk and the vintage brass swirl tray above the chair. And from David came the wall art above that, along with the 1980s brass and Lucite lamp on the desk. Together, I think these pieces add warmth and luster to the space.
On the Chippendale style chair sits a box pillow in the same herringbone linen as the walls but in green. Just back from a late afternoon meeting uptown, our stylish interior designer finds beside her desk a gift.
Fantasy? Why yes.
Day three and we're done!
The finishing touches are complete, including the upholstered board above her desk, where she gathers inspiration and ephemera.
Every swatch, bolt and pillow are meticulously labeled. As you can see, she's very busy.
She's also a risk-taker, mixing periods and patterns with supreme confidence. The 1960s faux bamboo highball on the desk holds a simple bouquet of flowers, while the antique swan toast rack keeps stationery in order.
And while vintage books and magazines provide endless inspiration for her work, she's equally up to date with all things new in design.
At the moment, she's browsing a cherished copy of Vogue from March 1950, lingering over a palette she adores.
After all, here was the page that inspired her world, a lush, opulent palette in pink, orange and black.
Huge thanks to Sebastian Varney at Carleton V for the opportunity to represent a brand we love, together with our longtime partners for their continued taste, talent and generosity. If you're in New York City this fall, stop by the D & D on 3rd Avenue and 58th to see the window in person! But don't wait too long. We're already dreaming up plans for the holiday window in November!
Absolutely smashing. So inspiring, anyone who wants a dedicated work space would love this. Wonderful colors, very rich and cozy; makes you want to hunker down and write that novel, or in this case design a dream home.
That swan toast rack is FANTASTIC!!!! I love how you re-purposed it. If you add to your Etsy store please let me know.
Stop and look, more like stop and drool! My head is spinning Eddie, inspiration at every square inch. Thank you for the introduction to that CV herringbone fabric – it’s perfect for curtains in my home office! 🙂 xo, A
Eddie Ross,
You have outdone yourself my friend! I am always in the D & D and will be certain to stop and take in your workings! Absolutely fabulous!
Oh my, that is a very lucky window! You did such an amazing job of not only showcasing those sumptuous fabrics, but you also told a story. I want to meet that imaginary designer…she, (or should I say you)…has great taste!!
Kat 🙂
This window is gorgeous, and I loved getting to following the design process from start to finish – stunning details!!
Bravo! Your talent has no limits. A job well done. I am drooling over those colors and patterns.
Oh my Eddie and Jaithan genius again! I love the palette, the fabrics, the design!! I was just about to ask you about the open book with the ribbon and then you gave me the answer!!
Art by Karena
Wow! I had no idea where you were going to go with this window and you had me on edge as I scrolled ever so slowly down. Its beautiful! I especially love how you had this “imaginary” designer all planned out. 🙂 So fun. Can’t wait to see your Holiday display.
I could use a little Hermes fantasy myself. Totally gorgeous – of course.
EDDIE! You have out-done Doonan!! Bravo! Your window is gorgeous and seemless.
Another masterful window. Congrats!
What a dazzling window! Fabulous!!!
I would absolutely stop in my tracks to gaze upon this room, and wish it was mine! Beautiful!
Ok, smiling here, your mind works in a very strange and wonderful way, I wish I had that talent. Your window looks amazing and I totally get your story. Those fabics and colors, FABULOUS!
You all have been busy bees! I WANT that work space! Amazing job! I am sure Charlton V ltd. is overjoyed. –Gretchen O.
OH. WOW! I want to walk into this window and live this life!
Your work is amazing. This gorgeous. Only wish I could see it in person. Will you ever be in Columbus, OH? Please come. Please???
What a fun and beautiful window! You are the best, Eddie.
Gorgeous, as always! Carleton is the chair of the interior design program I graduated from, and I got to meet him several years ago – he has such a presence! What an honor it must be for you to design for him! s
You did an amazing job! I love it.
Yuo guys knocked it out of the ballpark again. I just love the colors you chose and the scene you depicted. It’s perfect, and guaranteed to make people stop and take notice. Sebastian must be thrilled he hired you!
Simply gorgeous! Love the Anemone fabric you used on the pillow and chair and the little details that make this window special. You can imagine Carleton’s fabulously glamorous client sitting there planning her various projects (before jetting off to the Greebrier!)
Absolutely stunning! I loved the way we get to see the concept develop to completion. This is very educational and inspirational. Thank you for sharing your talent.
Another absolutely beautiful window! Everything you chose just came together so nicely! I now want a room upholstered in that Carleton V. Ltd. fabric!
Eddie, you’ve really outdone yourself! I like this window even MORE than the elle decor window! Congrats. I think you really did the right thing in choosing that bold pattern for the background and then that chintz for the chair – really stunning! Congrats again, it is really lovely.
Eddie it is breathtaking! so beautiful! I wish I could see it in person….stunning! I love the note on the hat box….lovely touch.
Eddie, You took this small space and made it fabulous! Without a doubt people will stop and look at this wonderful display.
tres chic!
It’s genius.
What a fabulous job. It always amazes me how you can turn a blank space into something so stunning. Now, when are you coming to my house?
Oh Eddie, that window looks fabulous! I love when you post stories like this, when we get to see the whole design process from conception to the final shot. Congrats!
Amazing! Every detail is fabulous! Reminds me of the window design project I had to complete for a fashion retail class in college. The space was the size you had. Neddless to say, my window did NOT look like yours. Thanks for the inspiration!
I love everything about this wonderful space. You all are so talented. It was great to meet you last Saturday in DC. After the ideas you offered on the tour, this shouldn’t surprise me!
Can I be the lucky girl whom this fantasy window belongs to?? haha… it’s just gorgeous!
Completely and totally GORGEOUS.
Looks amazing! The color palette is really just perfect!! xx
So ORIGINAL!!!!!! I love all of the vintage things, especially all the brass! I heart the color pallet and everything else! Love the chippendale chair fabric 🙂
Eddie, THis post is so wonderful!! Showing us how you created a show stopping space with limitations (space)…the fabrics were gorgeous and then showing how the whole space evolved with each brilliant element. I am so impressed with your talent. Also you and Jaithan are such beautiful people and your spirits really captured me at the RUE launch. What fool said you were neglecting your blog..its posts like this that show you are a cut above the rest..and are essentially giving us all a “how to design” book. I will stop gushing now!
E + J – LOVE it! Can you hear me clapping in Cambridge? Brava! Hope to see you guys soon.
Very nice! I know the detail would make me stop and get a closer look. The detail is inspiring and professional. My fave is the 1950 Vogue in a palette that echoes its surroundings.
I am absolutely dying. That is amazing! You did an incredible job of modernizing the already-fabulous Carleton V and Dorothy Drapery look. Dorothy + Carleton + Eddie + Jaithan = match made in HEAVEN!
Love the window! I am headed with my husband and daughter to the Greenbrier Resort this coming weekend, so your post title immediately caught my attention. I am so excited about seeing both the Draper and Varney work first hand.
Love It!!! When is your show going to air? I need to see this kind of thing happening in technicolor. If you ever need a room to makeover in the Washington DC area my house is yours! 🙂
Beautiful, classic, yet very fresh! Love it!
Wow Eddie, what an excellent window dresser you are! I know the folks over at Carlton V are beside themselves with joy at what you’ve done with their products!
I love it! I gives me some ideas to do with an old desk I have. Fabulous work, way to go.
I didn’t quite know where you were going with this, but my jaw dropped when I saw the end result. (PS – you looked so cute in your shorts 😉
OMG!! Love the color selections! Just beautiful! I miss your faces.
that herringbone is so glamorous, love the huge scale!
Wow you are so talented!!! That you so much for not only showing the photos but the process… You are the best!
It’s beautiful, Eddie. You are inspiring me to step out of my comfort zone when it comes to color palettes. This is absolutely gorgeous.
FABuLOUS window… oooh la la… LOVE it!
Fab material to work with, but it’s your inspiration that makes the window. You guys do so much, when to you sleep?
Oops…a little multitasking going on here. I mean “When do you sleep?”
Kudos to you – wonderful job! Completely gorgeous! And I truly do adore that bold bright herringbone. You have such creative ingenuity.
That window has got to be one of the most gorgeous things I’ve ever seen. I doubt you ever sleep at night with all these fabulous ideas running around inside your head!!! The touches of black are soooo elegant.
Hugs & kisses to you and Jaithan,
I’d take a makeover by Eddie over an Hermes gift! There’s a study awaiting you in Texas…
Stunning! Strong, yet so approachable. Love the step by step account. You guys have done it again!
I absolutely LOVE it!! Carleton V makes some of my favorite fabrics, and what you chose is perfect. Fabulous!!
so inspiring 🙂 so masterfully created too, love the vintage accessories 🙂
Eddie and Jaithan,
Loved It! After a crazy day, it was refreshing to read your post and see your talent at work. Can’t wait for you to come to Charlotte! It will be great fun!
I keep going back to look at the details again! I guess you have accomplished what you started out to do…grab attention! Just wish my desk could look that neat and pulled together!!
Eddie!!! This is simply spectacular. I can’t imagine anyone walking by it without stopping. Plus I think I spy some Paper Source envelopes in strawberry & poppy (you may have bought them elsewhere but they would have gotten them from our wholesale division, WasteNot Paper)
The pink and orange — to die for. Your writing enabled me to completely envision this designer in her office. I could see what she looked like! You should be so proud of your talent. Truly a beautiful, inspiring window into the world of your design.
OMG!!! So incredible, words fail me!!! I love every single inch of it! But my favorite touch is that faux bamboo highball as a vase with the most perfect flower EVER!
Wish I could fly to NYC just to stand outside and look at it, up close and personal. Simply amazing! Never a fan of orange, I have grown to adore the color and realize it is all in the mix. You are so marvelously gifted! Thank you for the step by step! WOW!!!
Beautiful and so meticulously designed as always! You have the best people in the industry to work with!
THAT would stop
ME in my TRACKS!!!
I love how you
told a story with
every detail; as
a writer, that is
what always intrigues
me the most in
design magazines:
the life lived in
each room!
xx Suzanne
WOW. When you gave the dimensions of the space I was momentarily alarmed. But then I remembered that YOU were in charge and any unsettled thoughts floated out the window! It’s ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS! There are so many details I love but I most adore the “fantasy” you’ve achieved. BRAVO! …oh and that Hermes box was brilliant!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the window. It is perfect in every way! Those fabrics are gorgeous, and you made all the right choices! Pretty please come to the Detroit area soon.
Devine. The results are magnificent, but to watch it all unfold…that’s a gift in and of itself. Now, if those walks could only talk!!
xoxo Elizabeth
Absolutely Amazing work! Love all of the details!
ER…this is FABULOUS!!!!!!
E&J I love all of the details, You never miss a beat, you always finish every detail to perfection. The covered table is my favorite. I know how hard it is to get fabric that straight, tight and matching you do what ever it takes to bring it all together to tell the perfect story. I can not wait to see a Holiday window. xoxo Kathysue
Fabulous window. Peace and joy!
I think Dorothy Draper herself would have been very happy to work her magic from this space and Joan would have been in awe of it! Your work is truly spectacular and you should really be proud of yourself…the creative gift you have is very special…congratulations on such a beautiful and honorable job.
btw- I loved the Chippendale transformation…so perfect & pretty!
xoxo J~
Brilliant…simply brilliant and love getting to walk through the process that you took to create that gorgeous window!
What a challange this window was. Once again you did a amazing decor! I want to move in immediately.
FABULOUS! Everything about it is just FABULOUS!!
Fantastic!! You really did a great job! Cute pics of the 4 of y’all!
Eddie, it looks great! I just chose their marrakesh ikat fabric in graphite to recover two living room chairs. I think you had it pinned to the board!
Fabulous! That herringbone is such an inspiration, kudos for using it on the wall. You are amazing!
You, sir, are a design genius! That window is just the bee’s knees!! One of the most fabulous postings anywhere on any blog – EVER!
You continue to grow and grow as a designer.
Socko, boffo as they used to say in Variety
Suzanne on St. Simons
Beyond F.A.B.U.L.O.U.S. I’ve been following your blog for two years, but could not sit quietly and just read this post without sending my “oohs and aahs” and exclamations!!! WOW. Thank you for always expounding on the inception of your designing vision, amidst sharing the technical details, as this window is a story worth rereading (or walking by) over and over. And mission accomplished, as I would now walk into Carleton V to purchase products.
genius-your are! this is great, from the mixture of fabric patterns to the story you have created behind the design, it is flawless like everything else you do. you rocked this window!!
genius-you are! this is great, from the mixture of fabric patterns to the story you have created behind the design, it is flawless like everything else you do. you rocked this window!!
That window is just sensational!! I find your blog so inspirational, every other interior design blog is obsessed with NEUTRALS,how boring is that! LOVE the colour palette and all the magic you create. Bravo!!
That might be my favorite work of yours. You guys are amazing. I am ready to move in.
You cute, naughty guys. I was thinking that it was Joan Crawford’s eyes. I gotta read more now. Love the humor. Barb
I love seeing the ‘birth’ of your talents come to fruition. The window is amazing, you are amazing…….
wonderful and inspiring eddie like always 🙂
greetings from brussels
This window is fabulous and even better in person! But word to the wise: to see the window, you must go IN to the D&D building. I went on my lunch hour yesterday and was looking for a window on the street. When I didn’t find it, I gave up. But I was determined so went back today and figured out it’s in the lobby! Bravo dudes!
That is GORGEOUS! I usually run with intimidation from bold patterns, but this is really inspiring.
Almost fell off my chair…blown away. I absolutely love every intricate detail. You two are such creative geniuses!!!! I will be there next week for a client and will probably stand in front of your window for an hour or so. Great work once again!
Ps. Any chance you two might ever come to my neighborhood in Stamford CT for a little antiquing????? Pleeeeeeeeaase???? If so, I’d love a chance to meet. I’m sure you’ve been to the many great antique stores off Canal St.
I just ADORE everything about this tiny little space of fabulousness. How could one not stop in their tracks when passing this window? Well done!
So many comments you probably wont even see this one but you guys are geniuses!! I love the idea of upholstering a wall and that floral chair is to die for.
The client idea board and the stationary are absolutely inspired! But my most coveted item is the floral pillow with coral banding. Well done!
I loved seeing how you upholstered the walls! I’m so using this technique for my antiques booth later this month!
This might be one of my absolute favorites! That fabric is stunning and the way you tied in the black is perfection.
And absolutely nothing – and I mean nothing beats a beautiful Hermes box!
I cannot wait to work with you and Jaithan on our deck – your talent never ceases to amaze me.
Eddie, this window is amazing. As always, I’m at awe at your immaculate storyline, so rich in detail.
Also, I think I just got the inspiration I needed for what to do with my gloomy, dark dining chairs. Thank you!
It’s fantastic! I love it.
You have had me leaning in very very close to my computer screen for the last 10 minutes, literally soaking up every word and step along the way of this wonderful & inspired journey. What a great end result you guys!! I love the story line and how you made the space come alive with the idea of a working studio. So much personality in all the details and amazing impact of the colours and patterns!
As usual I am in awe of your brilliance, and exquisite execution!
Lots of love to both of you, all the way from Sweden!
x Charlotta
Love the bold herringbone choice for the wall and great tiny details. Well done!
The window is stunning! Love the modern herringbone, Alexandria in Guava! Yum.
Also loved meeting you two at the Rue Party. Such a delight.
ps- can’t wait to see what you guys do at Terrain.
Than is beautiful I love the way you showed us everything from the very beginning. That window is simply beautiful.
Better and better! Love it!
Okay, I’ll take the big pillow and the chair….
You are a detail master! Wow, that window is show stopping!Would love to see it in person, just amazing!
Carol in GA
nothing short of fantastic…
I’m so sorry i am late to this post!
You are both so talented and continue to outdo yourselves and inspire so many in the process. I love your process in tackling a space and you are so generous in sharing all the thoughtful details. I’m always amazed at how brilliant you are with what I call the “jewelry of the room”, the accessories!
I wish I could see it in person but your photos are always perfection!
Love you both.
Have a wonderful weekend!
I fell in love with the woman who would sit at her pretty desk with all her treasures around her for inspiration. You have made her real darling Eddie.
You choices are bold and unforgettable.
Maybe like the woman herself.
Oh to be your muse.
I want…need…must have this office! Love it all! xo
To quote a fave fun song:
“I’ve got a feeling…”
Everything you do, but especially these KILLER windows, tells a story that evokes feeling.
Is it the playful visual polyphony of color and pattern overlapping and holding hands like new lovers, tentative and passionate at the same time?
Yes, that’s part of the appeal, you color stud! (that’s my new nickname for U & the ever delightful J.: COLOR STUDS!!! A better compliment I could not give!)
But there’s also the Inception Mind Fu*k.
(again, I mean that as a compliment & I tried to “bleep” myself with the asterisk in the above profane word as I still try to be a lady on occasion!).
What is the Inception Mind Fu*k and what does that have to do with your window? Well, it’s the multiple TIMES and CONCURRENT story lines converging at once.
Whether the stunning antiques or smashing pieces you picked up a la thrift or made via the do it yourself home store, there are MULTIPLE MOMENTS of time/history/periods/places/people/thoughts represented all at once and it is DELIRIOUSLY TITILLATING MY TINY BRAIN.
It’s almost like my brain wants to explode from it all…but not quite…you’ve pushed me to the brink, like Inception did at the theater, and YET I INTUITIVELY GET IT & KNOW I NEEDED TO GO TO THE EXACT POINT OF NEAR IMPLOSION YOU BROUGHT ME!
YES! YES! YES! All those periods, textures, colors….they collide and coalesce into both the familiar and the unknown.
Startling and soothing.
Fun and fantastic.
Lush and lyrically succinct.
So, you are ever capable of these design paradoxes that we all love and CRAVE.
Design paradoxes that evoke myriad magical feelings ALL AT THE SAME TIME! (which brings us back to the opening song lyric!)
I appreciate that more than you can imagine and can’t wait for more!
Thank you for always challenging me!!! I learn so much from you!!!
Well done! You work is so inspiring, beautiful and genuine. That’s such a powerful combination of strengths. You should be incredibly proud of what you’ve accomplished. Thanks for all the lovely inspiration.
This is beautiful. Love that herringbone fabric. I first heard of Carleton Varney when I picked up “You and Your Apartment” at a Friends of the Library sale. It became one of my favorites. It was fun when I started reading design blogs and I realized who he was. Cheers!
Eddie & Jaithan,
This is absolutely stunning & so charming!!!!! And, you have given me a fabulous idea. I have a brass container w/ hinged top just like the one on the desk w/ scissors, pens, pencils, etc. It was my Dad’s & recently I was contemplating what to do with it & now I know! Thank you for the great idea. Hope you all are well.
Sheer heaven! I bet none of Rhoda Morgenstern’s windows could come close to comparing to yours.
You never cease to amaze me. Love your style!
Pardon the lingo, but that is so effing sexy! Brilliant! Hats off.
Absolutely fantastic. Thank you for sharing the story, projects, and all of the painstaking details.
My favorite window yet. Perfection.
Fabulous! I wish I could see it in person!
Just beautiful Eddie – I love the colour palette and all the touches throughout – you really got a lot into that small space. Love the swan toast rack and the colour of the stationary – the wall fabric is to die for. Congratulations on another successful project!
I must admit when I first started to read this post I had flashbacks of horrible 80’s watercolor prints and pastel rooms full or pink and light blue carpets accented with geese. And then I scrolled down and continued reading. Of course I knew I should NOT have doubted your amazing talent and ability to create a beautiful window. It’s truly gorgeous. I wish I would have know you were doing it when I was in NYC last week and I would have stopped by to take a peek.
Incredible! Love all the details that make it seem realistic. You definitely achieved the objective!
Eddie, I love this! You have knocked it out of the park once again. I love all the gold/brass. Its so nice to see gold. I’m a little tired of all silver. You rock. Farris
LOVE IT! Window dressing is so fun, because you can take all your wonderfully amazing ideas and focus them into one small area! Perfection!
Eddie, I love this. You say “good windows tell good stories”, but so do YOU! I’m so inspired, and now I’m itching to make a skirt for my desk at home. XO and thanks for the inspiration! Natalie
Gorgeous! Once again you ably demonstrate both your skill and your imagination.
Hey guys! Are you still reading comments? I just had to say wow!! You always amaze and impress me!! thanks for the inspiration.
So fabulous. Your talent never ceases to amaze me!
Fabulous colors and patterns: only you could pull this off!! Felicitations!!
This was the most amazing tour de force and I am drooling over every detail!!! It’s a dream! Gorgeous! Greetings to you!
You always WOW me but this window is FABULOUS. – What is around the note board – ribbon or wood – Diana Vreeland would love it!
When are you coming to Boston?
Eddie and Jaithan – Wow. Orange herringbone walls with black grosgrain ribbon trim.
What a setting to spin a story. That’s a window to linger at. Freemont, Vaneck, Trutt, Paley and Foster. Do those imaginary clients have a second and third fridge stocked with champagne? Love it.
delightfully glamourous! the layers of detail are stunning. beautiful window.
omgomgomg SOOO Good!! You are so inspiring!
I love what Eddie Ross inc doing.
very detailed…creative,,,,organized…professional….thanks for the amazing window. 🙂
I had to come back and tell you that I think this window is fabulous! You executed the space so well – it looks to be twice as big as it is. But it is the fabric, the color, the style that has made it so memorable to me. It is a stunning space!
And I can’t believe that I missed this window while in New York in September….. And I think I missed you guys at the Rue Party too:-(
This is beautiful! I absolutely love it! Mr. Varney is amazing, my role model!
one word, wow
This looks SO great! I think you have just helped me discover the perfect Alexandria in Guava fabric for some chairs! Thank you… the window looks fantastic!! ; )