I've been hoarding collecting black Jasperware for years, even faked a piece or two along the way, but this basalt ware bowl we found at an antique shop on Friday is definitely the real deal.
Basalt ware, by the way, is a hard, black stoneware, named after the volcanic rock basalt and first manufactured by Wedgwood in 1768. This piece I love for its classic acanthus leaf ornamentation and generous size, perfect for a purplish black and chartreuse flower arrangement come Halloween. New, a piece like this costs a small fortune. Ours? Just $125!
What about you? What did you score this weekend?
Oh my goodness, that is gorgeous … and what an INCREDIBLE find!!! LOVE!
major score!
love this piece eddie but i rarely find basalt ware, will have to follow your “how to fake it” instructions.
cozy bedroom in your portfolio, perfect in every regard
All the detailing just stunning. Have an inspiring week Eddie! x
Eddie and Jaithan,
I love the black Basaltware by Wedgewood. Jasperware designs like this are breathtaking….the acanthus pattern is a classic!
Art by Karena
black beauty!
Unfortunately nothing this good! Great find!~ KG
Beautiful bowl love the acanthus leaf design as well.
Your bowl is great! I recently scored an amazing deal on an eight foot long wardrobe (painted French gray and white) at an auction, and a great gray trumeau at a thrift store. The wardrobe looks so good in my little booth that I can’t part with it (yet), even though a bunch of customers are interested.
This is beautiful Eddie! I love it too, but cannot add another collection to what I have. I have too many “collections” — you do have an eye to spot things.
Love that bowl. Can’t wait to see you make a beautiful arrangement in it!
You were in DC on the wrong weekend. I kept thinking about you because there was an estate sale (rock bottom prices) for an glassware collector depression glass, brass, pewter, crystal, milk glass/hoarder. Check out my post about milk glass and I went back and got more yesterday for 1/2 price.
It’s a fine line between collecting and hoarding huh?…..
I don’t think I have ever seen Basalt ware. It is so unique and beautiful. I can picture the arrangement you speak of. Didn’t score anything this weekend but have my eye on a beautiful wood engraved gilt victorian mirror for over my antique sideboard. It is at an consignment store and I am waiting for the price to drop! Take care~ xojamilyn
Love this little lesson in basalt ware. Looking at the calendar…it’s just about time to pull out my black glassware and get all set for Halloween!
xoxo Elizabeth
Looking forward to see how you do the flowers in this…:)
Northern Light
You know I am green with envy.
Get out! What a find! One has to know their stuff in order to recognize a gift sitting in front of them at an antique store. Congrats!
On a personal note, thank you and Jaithan for being so fabulous to your readers, visiting blogs with your hectic schedule, to respond so graciously , that is what is priceless.
What beautiful detail on the bowl. Isn’t it the best when you find a special piece AND get it at a good price?
Absolutely Stunning! Love the intricate pattern!I think we’re going to have to see this as part of a styling job asap!
Gorgeous bowl – what a great find!
I actually found a really cool ornate vintage wicker headboard – you know those ones? It actually reminded me of you because I think I have seen you use it before.
Woot! Great find on your newest basalt! I found some more space in our home this weekend as I went on a toss/pitch swoop through a few rooms!
Just in time for Fall. Fabulous find.
what a beauty! these are great items to collect and so unique. i saw that you commented on my most recent post-my dining table. since you are the expert :)…do you have any quick suggestions/tips for darkening the wood on my table. i’m a little unhappy with the way the color looks in my home. any tips would be great and appreciated!!
I am really looking forward to seeing the Halloween-flower-arrangement in this bowl. You are always inspired and inspiring at the same time!
What a find! I could also see the bowl filled with bright oranges and golds…
Oooh! So jealous. I got a bit of milk glass that should end up on my etsy shop once I get around to it.
OH THAT is just to die for BEAUTIFUL!!! I’m so VERY jealous! It’s fabulous, and I can’t wait to see how you use it. That price new…WoW! I scour antique shops everyware I go for Basalt and have YET to see one piece!
wow -thats an incredible bargain! SO jealous!!
Ok, that’s it. I need to shop with you guys. Inspires me to hit my haunts this week on my day off…
My daughter’s bed at Goodwill for $10.00. http://housetoyourhome.com/2010/09/28/tween-approved/ A bit bright for my taste but she’s 12 and this is her style! My toughest design client yet! Your bowl is beautiful!!!
It’s beautiful!!! Would love to see more of your collection…it’s not something you see very often, so pretty!
This weekend I scored a very old transferware covered dish…I’d been eyeing it for quite a while, it had no price tag and had been placed on an obscure bottom shelf. I was fortunate enough to see the dealer and found out it had been her great grandmothers…it was from the 18oo’s and I could tell she hadn’t priced it yet due to that sentimental fact. She finally said “how about $9.00?”…needless to say, it’s sitting in my dining room as we speak, and knowing it’s history has turned it into a cherished treasure…as well as a score.
Have a terrific week…
xo J~
Whoo Hoo! What a find! Don’t you just love it when a seller undervalues something? You try to act nonchalant, right! You did good!
My first thought was that it would look great with limey green hydrangeas in it, but you’re idea is perfect for Halloween.
Om gosh Eddie, you know how I love Jasperware and to find a basalt bowl, Oh lucky YOU!!! It is gorgeous. Kathysue
Great find at a great price! I was over run with kids and work taping a piece with the chef from the Occidental Restaurant in DC. Very cool guy. Didn’t even get up the street to the mile long yard sale 🙁
BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL! I am inspired to post my fave recent find….cleaning out the barn and finding many items that I bought and barely took out of the bag. The best shopping!
Holy cow, you got a great deal!!
I happened across a wonderful estate tag sale yesterday and scored colorful vintage glassware, a deco-ish coffe urn and matching sugar and cream with wonderful swirly auburn bakelite handles, a fabulous vintage bar cart ($7!) and much more…I am excited to get to unpack and rediscover all my finds later this evening! 🙂
Thanks for sharing your fabulous finds, as always, you are my treasure-hunting inspiration!
wow, what a find! loved the link so we could see the comp. we went to the country living fair in columbus. got a few goodies but they should have had several tents for ‘bag drop off’ so we could carry more…thought it might be a little more upscale but it was still fun!
My find of the day may come tomorrow. Heading up to Nor’east salvage in South Hampton NH. Can’t believe I’ve been driving past it (on 95)for the past 50 years and didn’t know it was there. Can’t wait to see What I find. Hope I can afford it
What an amazing and fabulous find! The detail is gorgeous.
Absolutely gorgeous bowl. What a great find. Oh how I love to go to antique markets, flea markets, etc. – It is so addicting……….. I have been spending some time on Cape Cod and have discovered the Sandwich Flea market on Wednesday mornings. I am there at 6 a.m. with my flashlight to scope out the bargains. Hope all is well with you and Jaithan.
Patti B. (the pepper mill collector)
That is gorgeous, would make a terrific still life:)
This bowl is so pretty! What a great find! I love Jasperware. These aren’t quite as pretty as your Basalt bowl, but I was excited to find these affordable and fun fabric and needlepoint pillows at a NYC street fair this weekend…here’s a link!
What a find! You two have all the luck!!!
I knew about
Jasperware but
not Basalt…
WHAT a gorgeous
{and lucky}find.
I know YOU will
know just how to
give it a starring
xx Suzanne
Gorgeous piece – what a find! I really need to start collecting some of these pieces. every time I see images of them I am totally enamored.
Wow, you two have such a eye for great scores. Oh and speaking of eyes…I spy that fall schedule over on the right hand side here and I don’t see Boston on there. I must be missing it that’s all, right?
I know Fenton is so hit or miss…but found a blue ruffle hobnail basket at a local thrift for 4 dollars. Perfect and so pretty—
Coming to Boston any time soon? Missed last year’s October Flea, hoping for the next—
Love what you scored! It would look quite lovely sitting on the dresser in my foyer. Fabulous! Can’t wait to see you in November at Elizabeth’s event.
Oh WOW good for you. love your postings…xx peggy braswell
What a beautiful piece. And even better that you got it for a steal.
No new scores that I bought this past weekend, but our wonderful son was home on leave from Afghanistan . . . and so I scored a million dollars worth of hugs and time with him. Why do military leaves fly by so fast?
Gorgeous find – I had some luck myself in Atlanta this weekend! Can you say $10 cashmere?
LOVE LOVE LOVE your Carlton window display. It’s gorgeous.
We would have fought right there in the dirt over this one!
E&J, traveling in your footsteps this fall as I will be near four of your presentations – sadly just on the wrong dates! Hoping that one of these days I will be able to attend and meet you in living color!
ps — great new picture E of you holding the yellow mums! xo Cathy
Love it! A friend just shipped me some hand-painted dishes from Italy. Nice surprise gift.
My latest score was a brass tray with inlaid mother of pearl and a matching canister, at the big DC shopping trip of course! Heading to Canton Flea this weekend and I’m sure to return with lots of goodies!
That certainly is beautiful. Have I mentioned that black is one of my most favorite colors? Well, it is. Anywho, I scored some great fabric samples this weekend for some clients. They were happy so now I am happy.
Hope you guys are happy.
Thanks for sharing! Have a great week!
I found a vintage pearl collar necklace for just $10 http://www.julieheinrich.com/Home/tabid/36/entryid/272/Default.aspx
And a 2-foot tall brass candle holder that just needs a good polish for only $1.
Love the basalt ware. Now I plan to look for a couple of pieces myself.
Now that’s a find! Gorgeous with flowers or fruit.
Also, would love to have you be part of a blogger series {no huge time commitment}. Email me if interested in knowing more!
OH that is gorgeous! I Love! I wish I could have gone shopping this weekend! Oh wait what am I talking about I did! lol I found an ugly coffee table and painted it white! Come check it out!
I love Jasperware, and the black is so hard to come by! Your Basalt bowl will be gorgeous for Halloween and anytime, what a wonderful find!
I scored a wonderful old glass fishing float this past weekend, and it was a gift to boot, gotta love that!
Kat 🙂
Hi Eddie, i love your blog, your “before&afters” are gorgeus! (i´m spanish, sorry for my english). my hobby is the restauration and transformation of objects and furniture that i find in the street. i find really treasures! thanks to my blog i can show my work and meet very interesting people like you. Congratulations for your work, i follow you since right now. kisses
Okay, now I’ll show my ignorance, I don’t know anything about basalt but this is simply georgous. Can’t wait to see how you use it.
Jasperware is great looking! What a great find!
Gorgeous bowl! I have just the place for that! I scored four brown transferware plates with colored turkeys on them at Tuesday Morning for (I turned them over hoping less than 19.99 each)…$5.99 each. Perfect. I was inspired by some Rural Scenes by Royal Staffordshire I saw on Vignette Design blog. Not quite the same, but similar vibe. Nice blog, enjoy your weekend.
I’m so jealous!! I collect the stuff too and would have snapped up that bowl in a second. Great find@
My find wasn’t as beautiful as that bowl, but it was a FIND. A Boehm phrenology bust made for a specific company to send to pharmacists to promote their new drug. Very few were made. I found it for $2.98. Maybe it will find a home with a doctor or in a Halloween display.
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