Saturday night’s snowstorm felt more like some cruel trick of nature than a tasty Halloween treat. Jaithan and I had just settled into the library, an ironstone bowl of herbed popcorn between us and the Exorcist (Part 2) on the tube, when the lights began to flicker. At 10:58 pm, as though the swift, final good night for days, the power went out in our house and about a million others across Connecticut. But despite these darkened streets, Jaithan and I did manage to illuminate the way for the courageous few trick-or-treaters in our town, warming ourselves with hot toddies and carving pumpkins by candlelight. Now this was a Halloween to remember!
Hope you have your power back.
Some pretty scary stuff last weekend! Yes, a little pre-Halloween trick!
I love what you guys did for the little goblins, I need torches! Unfortunately the snowstorm wassn’t a trick up here we received two feet!
how creepily cozy does your front porch look with your decor!? Love it! Glad you had a Happy Halloween!
Are you kiddin’? Some of our best times are when the power goes out!
Tornado parties in the basement are the best!
Grahamwich in Chicago serves herbed popcorn…you been there? Next door to it…P.O.S.H. vintage shop…
That snow! A cozy Halloween sounds nice to me! We were swatting mosquitos!
it seem like it’s usually northern Michigan that gets buried in snow in late glad to share the designation with Connecticut….but I love the (slightly) eerie quality to your pics of Halloween buried under snow….good to hear you and Jaithan made the best of it…!!
oooo, the way the light bounces off the snow makes your walkway eerily spooky. you make it sound so cozy. I wish I could’ve been one of your trick or treaters.
I can just envision your evening. Wish I could have been with you and Jaithan! Love you both!! xooo
Super Spooky!!! I’m sure it was a huge TREAT for trick-or-treaters to swing by your home!!!
Hope the lights are back on. So frustrating to lose power. We know all too well!
xoxo Elizabeth
The torches in the snow are really pretty.
Oh my goodness!! I would say you two really did make the best of it.Love the Tiki torches to light the way, brillant!! Happy belated Halloween, now onto Thanksgiving plans. I posted about what I am thinking about doing for my table today!! xo Kathysue
Oh what an adventure! AND . .those kids will never, for the rest of their lives, forget your house and the candles and torches! And of course the goodies:) I am sure they were in total awe of your house – as I am! You two are just the most special people . ..
Very memorable, for sure. I love the image of hot toddies and pumpkin carving by candlelight!
Well, my friend it appears that you had all of the necessary implements, Candles, Food, great Libations! Etc. Great photos! Hope you have power today sorry to tell you it was 77 in Dallas!
Pam Kelley
What is scarier? Halloween or not having electricity for 3 days:) Great pics.
Merry Halloween!! I’m sure it will be a Halloween to remember:) It was a balmy 70 degrees for us, didn’t even have to wear a jacket out trick or treating!
How beautiful, it is 70 degrees here in S. CA. Love to you both. Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving such a lovely message.
that sounds soooo cozy! (except for the exorcist part 2, that’s just creepy) what a fun memory it will be one day! herbed popcorn recipe? Tessa
WOW! You made an even spookier night seem welcoming. I thought it was a bit of a bummer to have our amazing crisp fall cut short – it is my favorite season.
But this is a lovely post – Thank you for showing us how to make the best of the situation!
The first photo is absolutely magical!!
The weather definitely played a cruel “trick” on you out there this Halloween while the sun was shining here in Wisconsin. Thanks for sharing your lovely pictures…I think I see a potential holiday card in there somewhere!
I just adore how you transformed a yucky situation into a event to remember. This was the first time in years that we did not bundle up in our winter coats and scarfs to trick or treat. Utah is known for having white Halloweens. Instead it was pleasantly warm out side. Sorry to hear you effected by the storm. I enjoyed the photos.
Look at that gorgeous snow! I’m glad you found a way to stay warm.
Between the herbed popcorn and the hot toddies it sounds rather cozy. Halloween by candle light…fun!?
SNOW?!? Wow – I complain about the weather, alot, being Canadian and all. But even we didn’t have snow. What a shame! But what a cozy evening, instead.
You fellas put the Hot! in toddies…
Watching the exorcist? and in the dark? NO THANKS!! Way too scary for me, lol. But how cool to have a snowy halloween…love it. Wish it snowed in L.A.
Wow, what a Halloween experience! Hope you are thawing out about now!
Carol in GA
Eddie and Jaithan: I would don my best costume to trick or treat at your house!! My friend’s Mother dragged us to all the best estates on L.I. so she could have a legit Halloween snoop. The English butler’s were quite beside themselves, not really understanding Halloween. While Jeeves rifled around the kitchen for Coca Colas or apples, my friend’s Mother did a cool, quick tour of the downstairs. She had the best time.
The photos are wonderful. I love your optimism and making everything work despite no electricity. I hope things are back to normal for you both now.
It is me, Mary Anne from Robins Egg Blue (formerly). You have got to be kidding!! Unbelievable! Not the TRICK OR TREAT I had in mind! I continue to enjoy your posts and inspiration Eddie.
I hope your power is back on! We dodged that bullet here in the city! The photos are gorgeous and inspirational as always!
So brilliant to bring out the torches! Note to self for next year. xo
the evening sounds magical, well from afar it does! particularly loved the torches lining the entry and those gorgeous andirons.
stop by, i am encouraging your illinois fans to sign up for your ‘celebrate in style’ event.
Tiki torches are brilliant!
I hear that a lot of communities in Connecticut are going to do a re-run of Halloween on Thursday for the kids who got snowed out. Is yours one of them?
How do you get such perfect pictures of your house from across the street?
I can only imagine what
a welcome spot to trick or
treat your lovely home would
be, lights or no lights! You
are right, THIS is the Halloween
that will truly stand out in
memories from the others.
Hope your power wasn’t out
for too long…..
xx Suzanne
I loved how you used the torches to keep the holiday for the little ones! It truly shows your creative AND generous spirit! (we were lucky in NY – our snow melted by the time the trick or treaters popped out!)
E+J- We had just one night with no power, but had a woodstove, camping lanterns, reading to kids and an early goodnight. The next day plenty of power for Halloween and snow mostly melted away.
My in-laws on the New York Connecticut border are expecting their power back today. Is yours still out? Hang in there! (Looking swell, of course)
You are a braver man that I am Gunga Din! I would have shut everything down and crawled under the duvet!
Ohhhhh I love it!!!